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Mr Khan said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Mr Khan said:

Kind of is, actually. Saying it's in trouble is opinion. Calling it "dead" is hyperbole meant to rouse a reaction. We've been debating locking this thread...

Many things are said on this forum that are hyperbole or meant to rouse a reaction that are not bannable. Very weak argument. He clearly states it's his opinions and goes on to explain it well enough for the average poster. You cannot ban someone for thinking a console has no sales potential, that's ludicrous, and if you think that one word is flamebaiting or worthy of moderation in a pretty innocuous post, then I think it's time for self-reflection. But then again I guess you didn't think it was worthy of moderation, since you didn't moderate him. Which tells me you just want to intimidate him into not posting his opinion from your position of authority. I've seen you do this before.

This thread as a whole? I haven't read it in detail so I can't say whether it's worth locking or not, but that's not what we're talking about here. 

Because the thread encourages the same kind of narrow-minded thinking. "It can't be saved, deal with it."

And i'm not trying to intimidate, except to the degree that i don't want to have to moderate people. Despite what my reputation might imply, i don't like to. Declaring it "dead" steps over the line, and would be the case for other consoles as well.

I don't agree with what you're saying about the thread, but that's, again, not what we're talking about.

No, saying something is dead does not 'step over the line' no matter the console, it has been used many times on this forum in many contexts without anybody being moderated, and this context was not an offensive or insulting one. And so nothing I said in the previous post has changed. It's intimidation, and hints that what the poster has said is maybe? "kind of?"wrong but there's no actual action taken from it. Moderate posters and establish what is and is not acceptable, or don't and don't use loose interpretation of the rules and your authority position as an excuse to bully others into not posting what you don't like. 

Pavolink said:

 Also, I'm not trying to intimidate you, that just the hyperbole of the other poster who didn't know the context of the post and just create misuderstandings.

Please don't misunderstand me, I wasn't referring to you with that comment.