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Auron - Ive been singing that tune for the last week now. I say he shouldn't change ANY numbers and only go by his samples. OR if he changes numbers change them for ALL the other tracking sites.

I've been arguing with morons for a while about it. You won't win Auron. It's a lost cause.

When you say "If he changes them for Jap and Others he should change them for NPD"

They respond with "Why? he might not think NPD's numbers are accurate and if he goes by NPD he shouldn't do what he does. He wants to go by his own samples"

Then you respond with "then dont change them at all. He should go by his own samples and not change them for Japan or Others"

Them - "But his numbers aren't accurate in Japan or Others since he doesn't have big enough coverage there"

Me - "Then he should change them to a groups numbers in NA who has bigger coverage and are more accurate"

Back to the begining.