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1. Price they should drop the deluxe model to $300 before the end of the year but that is about it as far as price cuts go.

2. Games, a big liability that Nintendo seems to have let themselves walk right into by not devoting enough resources into having software built for the system ready at launch. With the N64 and Wii those systems survived early droughts due to have innovative one of a kind software that would revolutionize the industry. The Wii U just has ZombiU and Nintendo Land, neither of which was actually promoted that well or compares to some of the other software available. They need something good and fast, honestly I hate to say this but a few cross platform games with the 3DS could probably help. I figure a digital release of Ace Attorney 5 or some other high profile 3DS title would move systems.

3. Couldn't disagree more about the Gamepad being a problem. Aside from issues like not having the option of buying one separately or games that allow for local dual gamepads the device itself is pretty good. It may scare some casuals but the benefits are there and better then just having the standard Wii remote as the default controller.