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Metallicube said:

#1. Price

wiiU price cut hasn't improved sales enough, says retailer

... cutting the price won't hurt anything but an undesirable product is undesirable at any price.  this is the least of nintendo's worries right now, fixing the other issues are far more pressing.

#2. Lack of games



it is a rare game indeed that can truly sell a system. i'd say wiisports was one of those.  yes the games will come, but even the announced games for wiiU couldn't save the gamecube and there is no guarentee that it will save the wiiU.  it takes a library of games and i think the lack of substantial third party support is going to out-weight anything nintendo seems to have planned.


#3. Gamepad

from my talks to my more casual gaming friends, i agree that the gamepad is a liability.  but i'm really not sure there is any real course of action to rectify that.  i mean, you can create more wii-mote focused games but the market perception will still see the gamepad as the cornerstone of the wiiU.  i don't think nintendo can change that short of releasing their next gen console.