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trasharmdsister12 said:

An update from me, seeing as I post here semi-annually now.

-I'm still totally single.

-I'm still at a job I work just about all the time I have. Whatever spare time I have is spent between reading how terrible a job (or the lack of work) I'm doing modding here, dealing with petty nonsense, or learning new things (I plan on looking into German some more again and am also learning more web technologies and such. I hope to benefit all of us with what I learn )

-I barely game anymore and almost convinced myself less than a week ago that I had lost my taste for it. Thankfully I had a rebound day this past Sunday and realize it's just a lack of time draining my motivation and enjoyment for gaming.

-My backlog is so insane I don't even want to bother with a lot of the games I have anymore just because there are other games I want to buy and play first instead.

-I'm supposed to be a gamrReview writer but I haven't written anything yet besides a short blurb for best racer of the year 2012. I have a few ideas kicking around in my head but they'll either get the site a lot of hate, tarnish my "good" name, or people won't understand it and won't pay attention to it because it won't support their agendas. That and I simply haven't had time to write.

That about sums it up. Nothing new or great or terrible has happened with me in the past year. I'll have been at this job and mostly absent from the chartz for 6 days short of a year by my count. I miss some of y'all a whole lot and wish you all the best.

I thought I was definitely past that point a few weeks ago. I was so apathetic about gaming, I couldn't see the point in playing anything. I think now though, that I just had so much going on in real life (for once!) that my brain (and schedule) couldn't handle more adventures. (I'm loving ME3 now btw )

You gonna pop back a bit more? I plan on being more present here, and I think that visiting this site does keep me interested in gaming even if I don't have the time for a mega gaming sesh. And it rocks that you're learning German, I was gonna try learn French and Chinese again :D

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.