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All this for "U". Replace it with a "2", and it would save Nintendo and the retailers lots of trouble. Of course they can't do that now. I'm not saying that's all that's wrong with Wii U, but it's done some serious damage, more than we give it credit for I bet.

And you know what? maybe even a 2 next to the name wouldn't help. People these days have iPones and iPads, they see the numbers next to the names and all they know is that's the new version, more powerful and whatnot but it basically does all the basic things the previous version does. Most people looking at the Wii brand are this same kind of people, they don't know much about console gaming and its conventions, they wouldn't know a PS3 can't play PS4 games either. So to them Wii U, Wii 2, or Wii whatever is just the new expensive version that now comes with a Tablet-controller, some figure they don't need that since they already have a tablet so they might as well go for the "camera console" (Kinect Xbox) or the PS3, or even the "regular" Wii which might as well meet their gaming needs. Others may simply be dissuased by the price and specs on the box : 8GB vs 250GB and packed-in games at lower prices. 500GB bundles for the same $350, and they see PS3 is also a blu-ray player and has tons of games at $30 or less. They see both running head to head and they don't notice much difference apart from the tablet controls. It's hard to argue the Wii U is worth its salt when the main and only selling point against all the Pluses on the other consoles is "hey, but this one has a tablet controller".