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PDF said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
PDF said:
No. Will not attract enough of core gaming audience. Even with the wii new market it wont be abel to do it without the Madden and Halo3 type buyers.

Oh it'll get those too, for those it will be their second console, and also many of them have family members who will want it

I dissagree seeing how alot of the gaming audience no longer live with their family and are just starting to live on their own. I agree that many wii owners will buy another console but It wont nearly go the other way as much.

This a a big chunk gamers that the Wii would need to pass the ps2. The PS2 got most of the wii owners minus the new market the wii has goten. I dont think the new market for the Wii is bigger than this type of Gamer.

A 360 owner will be happy with just a 360. A wii owner may want a ps3 or 360.

Please explain to me what would make a Sports/FPS fan who owns 360 or PS3 want a Wii

 Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is one of the best console FPSs I've ever played. And who wouldn't want any of the Mario sports games? I'm not sure if Nintendo has announced any mario sports games, but, if they do, I'm pretty sure people would get them. Remember Mario Tennis for N64? That game was amazing. But, as for this topic, I'm not sure. I still believe that what really contributed to the PS2 sales were it's top selling games. The GTA's. It reached out past the crowd of normal gamers, but, whatever. I don't wanna argue  about the Playstation 2. The Wii will definitely be here for awhile. This console has much more potential then the PS3 and the 360. I'm still suprised that the 360 is even selling due to it's constant hardware failures and how the games are always better on the PC. But, yeah. I dunno. The PS3 is going to be dulled down a lot, and maybe it'll begin to sell more, but, if they cut down on the processing speed, it'll just be another battle with graphics.  The Wii has the capability to do so much more and I hope Nintendo realizes that.