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So, I got to play a few hours of Brawl this afternoon through a friend of a friend who had a mod'd Wii and is in town for a couple days. So anyway, here are my impressions:


First, yes, the game is much more floaty, and you'll need to improve your aerial combat skills if you want to do well. Incidentally, the characters with bad aerial control like Fox and Sheik have been nerfed as a biproduct of this, because the characters that are good in the air will be at a major advantage if they can knock them up.

Past that, the gameplay is familiar, but different. You will find that there is definitely an adjustment period before you can get into a groove if you are used to Melee. Took me about an hour out of the 3 I played. The characters I used are Lucario, Pokemon Trainer, Ike, and Sonic. I used the first 2 the most, so they are who I have the most detailed impressions of. I'll give impressions of all of them though.

Lucario: He's slow, but he's also medium-heavy, and tough to kill. Once you learn his moves, he's very tough for your opponent to predict. His moves have very ambiguous start-up animations, and it's tough to tell if he's about to counter you or swing at you. They also have very good range, and can have even better knockback, depending on his damage percentage.

Once you get up past 100%, Lucario becomes incredibly deadly, and as you approach 200% his moves become easily the strongest in the game. I enjoyed using him, and I'll probably use him a lot when the game comes out. 

Squirtle: He's a lot faster than he looks, and that's saying a lot because he looked fast even in the videos. His moves have such small startup delay that you'll be surprising even the fastest characters in the game with how quickly you can strike them. In trade of that, he has very little knockback, and it's difficult to deliver a killing blow as him. His Up Smash however is incredibly deadly. It's got great knockback, even when uncharged, and very low startup delay.

Ivysaur: Ivysaur is a very strange character. His moves are unlike any other character in the game. They have long reach, and have decent knockback, but low damage. An up throw comboed with Bullet Seed is a free 40% damage though in a 1 on 1 match. Ivysaur really shines in 4 man FFA though. His moves are really more supressive than offensive, and are great for clearing a room. Because of this, you will probably want to use him the least in a 1 on 1 match. He's still very useful though, if strange. It will take a while to get used to his moves. His tether recovery isn't very good though.

Charizard: Charizard was probably my favorite of all 3 Pokemon. He's pretty slow, but for a heavy he has good speed on his moves. Rock Smash is especially fun to use. He's a knockback beast, and many of his moves are much faster than you would expect. His aerial combat is surprisingly in the bottom half though. His jumps, despite having 3, are short, and he has very little airtime. Overally he was just a lot of fun to play as, and I'm sure I'll use him a lot.

Ike: Slowwwwwwww, but not unusable at all. You may find playing as him in 1 on 1 frustrating, but he's really pretty good if you can get his move timing down. I would recommend spending some time in training mode before actually going out and using him. His moves are fluid and string together into combos pretty effectively. His Up B is an awesome recovery, and is the anti-edge guarder, because the sword flies up through the platform and hits the enemy watching the edge for a lot of damage as you go up and grab. Another fun character.

Sonic: I definitely sucked at Sonic at first. As I played, I gradually got better, but he is really hard to control. Sonic is for veteran players only. I would not recommend him to anyone with very little play experience. His only real knockback comes from his Smash attacks, which aren't particularly easy to land. This can be frustrating, as you will certainly be able to rack up damage, but you'll have difficulty delivering the killing blow. Still, you get used to it, and as you adapt he's certainly a viable advanced character. You have been warned though: He's not easy.

Overall, I love the game, and I do not say that lightly. It's simply incredibly addicting and engrossing, and will easily be one of my favorite games of all time if this is any indication. I got no time with SSE. Sorry, but there were 4 of us and we of course wanted to make sure everyone was playing.

Edit: I'll get another few hours with the game tomorrow before the friend heads back to Chicago, so if there is anyone else you guys want me to try let me know.