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Rumor comes from the latest issue of PLAY Magazine UK (issue 230). Scan will be provided ASAP.


RUMOR: Square Enix preparing their greatest Final Fantasy E3 showing since E3 2006?

A lot of rumors regarding the E3 showing of the Final Fantasy series have been floating around since Square Enix's announcement at the PlayStation Meeting in February. We've spoken to a number of inside sources regarding what Square Enix plans to show and what we've been able to find out is truly exciting. However, while each source told us similar things, there were a number of discrepancies among them. With that in mind, we've provided info on the differences in info mentioned to us:

  • Final Fantasy XV will be announced for the PS4 and Xbox 720. The announcement will come via a trailer made with in-game footage and CGI. The trailer will include actual gameplay footage and the first glimpse of the battle system. The game is being made using Luminous Studio, the same engine used to create Agni's Philosophy. It is still very early in development but pre-production has been going on for years. Different sources have told us different things about the staff involved. One source says Hiroyuki Ito is both producer and director, while another states Hiroyuki Ito is definitely working on the project but his actual position is unknown. All sources confirmed that Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama have no involvement in the title.
  • Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be playable for the PS3/Xbox 360 (or PS4/Xbox 720). The game will be released in 2014. Different sources have told us different things about the console it is for. Some sources say it's now multiplatform on current gen consoles (PS3/360), while others say it's now multiplatform for next gen consoles (PS4/720). One thing they all mentioned was that it's no longer PlayStation exclusive. What a shame.
  • Final Fantasy X HD Remaster will be playable for the PS3. The game will also include a remaster of FFX-2 and Trophy support for both games. Both games will also be based on their International versions. The game will be released in 2013.
  • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will be playable and have a lengthy new trailer. Various new gameplay features will be announced and available in the playable demo. Also, new and returning characters will be revealed including Snow and Caius. The game will be released in 2013.