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Ji99saw said:
It's Over

This whole time I have been saying "It's too early to tell if the Wii U is screwed."  However last night I finally just came to the conclusion that there is no way this system will do well.  I am saying it will sell 15-40 million.  Here's why:


People will not buy it because:

-PSN and LIVE have a loyal fanbase built up that want to keep their accounts.  They will not switch to the Wii U.

[Just because you own both, does not mean most do.  You are the minority]

-It is effectively the same strength as current consoles with a little extra ram.

-The touchpad is not enough to justify its price premium, and the PS4 will have Vita/720 will have tablets.

-No compelling third party games you can't get elseware


Third Parties will not support it well because:

-Since no version has enough storage there will effectively little to no DLC,and no games can be installed.  This means longer load times and its extra power is completely bottlenecked by the lack of storage.

-Large updates are not feasable.  BF3's total update space is around 7 GB before DLC.  

-The Next Gen consoles will be easy to program for like their PC versions, and the PS360 have already been completely figured out.  There is no reason to figure out another IBM CPU for an install base of a few million, when an install base of 150 Mil is sitting around.


A price cut and games will not change this because:

-If it is cut to $200 when the PS4 comes out, PS360 will be $100-$200 and have a 7+ year library of great games.

-The PS4 will be about 10 times stronger and far more capaple.  This is where the hardcore will go.

-Great games will sell some consoles but remember I said 15-40 million.  I doubt it will be as bad as the dreamcast.


Put a fork in it, it's done.  If you want to debate this, fine.  But I ask people to not change the subject to vita or 3DS.  Those are a whole other beast, and changing the subject to them basically tells me you have nothing to say.