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I think when they released the wii u apon us most of us had allready had a list of what games we wanted black friday xmas time is deffo the best time to release any game and alot of shops were doing really good bundles and other such deals. Esp last year money was very tight people needed a bargain me personally recon nintendo prob should of waited on realesing the wii u and what i think made sure they had a steller line up on there best games also they should of advertised abit more months before the wii u was released having a pricy console with very few games not very apealing.I think this year its will be more like playstation 2 ,xbox, gamecube all over again in that order that apeals to us gamers i could be wrong thou its what im hearing across many game sites forums ive herd alot of people saying that there gunna pic up a ps4 this year i will admit being a bit of a fan of xbox,xbox360,dreamcast they have some truly stunning looking games coming out we will hopefully have some news about the next xbox next month i just hope they dont ban used games it deffo will be the most stupid thing microsoft could do after getting into the games market. I would buy one but not after many price cuts and i would never pay the full price on the opening week of any game if i did not like it i would be stuck with it i deffo would be pretty angry as will many of us £5-£8 would be my limit.