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skyjuice said:
I'm tired of Washington and the spinoff industries it produces to whip the public up into a frenzy. After watching this system we have grind into a halt,we need to do something different. After watching east coast states like NY(my home) and NJ languish for months after a natural disaster. After Sandy Hook, i just cant take it anymore. I've decided I am all for states rights. Some states pay more to the federal gov than they take in and some states take in more than they pay. Lets make sure basic human rights are recognized at both state and federal level. Then each state can decide what programs and departments they want to fund at the federal level. I hear that Texas spends less on social services than NY. They have their reasons why they spend less and we have reasons why we spend more. The federal gov matches what the states spend on services like that. Why are we paying politicians to bitch about how money is being spent when in cases like that, the fed gov is the middle man. You don't think health care is a basic human right? No problem, don't have uni health care in your state. Don't want FEMA? Fund your own recovery.Want the pipeline? Make the other states(pipeline path) agree and you got it. I would love our species to last as long as possible on this planet,but hey nothing lasts forever. You want people running around with assault rifles in your state? No problem,if you bring it into my state,be prepared to serve some time in NYS prison. You want to ban all abortion in your state? Fine, we could always use more ladies in our abortion states(I am personally against abortion except in certain cases). This was done before a couple hundred years ago and it failed. I think that we are more sophisticated now and we can all agree that there are some basic human rights we agree upon(a person is a person,not a fraction of a person) and some we dont(abortion,gay marriage,etc). Lets work this out and take Washington out of most of the equation. People will decide what states they want to live in based on what it can offer them. We have been doing it for years on a national level,people come here based on what the US can OFFER them versus other countries. What rights we can offer them. My wife and i have had health care through her job at a health care provider for 10 years now. I think we should have health care because I think as Americans we should be competing and leading the world in having a healthy and efficient population. But that's just MO. So yeah let each state do what it wants to do. I'm tired of Washington. It's all crap. They get everyone worked up about stuff to blame others, when its really them who are screwing it all up. Take welfare and programs like that. It's all wealth distribution. From one wealthy company to another. You think food processing companies(sugar) and food selling companies(Walmart,Kroger) want to see ANY decrease in SNAP spending? Hell no. You think the Dems and Repubs on the committee who controls that spending want to stop receiving campaign cash from those companies? Hell no. It's all a sham. All of it. Flame me if you want, yeah it's strange that a black guy from NY is advocating states rights. But I just can't take it anymore, I don't want people to be excited to run for federal level offices,I want them to be upset that they have to stoop so low to have to do that, because the real power is in the state offices. Because in my perfect world a politician would go to Washington to do what Vice Presidents used to do. Barely anything.

Paragraphs good sir!

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"