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Nem said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Because it is a HD remaster. Did you seriously expect it to sell on par with KH 3D which is a brand new game and new story?

FYI it is the number 1 selling  HD collection in Japan.

For a kingdom hearts fan its a must have and i believe the 3DS user base at the time of 3D was smaller than the PS3 one is now.

User base is irrelevant in a big game like KH. It's proven time and time again that User base doesn't affect big games.

Comparing KH 1.5 HD collection to KH 3D is really unfair. KH 3D is a brand new game and a lot of KH fans still haven't played it while KH 1.5 HD is a collection of older game.  Games in it are  already played by many KH fan and it is not a must have if you already played all of them. It's not even a remake it's just a remaster of older games.