By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Close posted an article about this years call of duty, personally i would take it with a huge pinch of salt, anyways here is the article and video


Rumors of the next Call of Duty game are already looming with Call of Duty: Ghosts. Ghosts, not Ghost.

Youtuber Drift0r has uploaded a video leaking details of the next Call of Duty game. He claims the information was leaked to him from someone he trusts dearly and is in the “Call of Duty machine.”





According to Drift0r, Call of Duty: Ghosts will be announced early May and will be set in the future, although you will be using present day weapons. Drift0r states that he doesn’t have any idea of why that may be but suggests that it may be due to a hack or some sort of apocalypse.


Another bit of detail leaked in the video is the ability to “dash into sliding while shooting” a la Vanquish. Players will also be able to peek around corners, something that was missing from the console versions of Call of Duty, but available to PC gamers.


Call of Duty: Ghosts seems like an unlikely rumor, specifically because Drift0r says the game will be released only on PlayStation 4, the unannounced Xbox and PC. With Call of Duty being the best-selling game each year, it’s hard to believe Activision would drop current generation support on the fly.

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