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This is a purely hypothetical situation. Obviously we are not able to effectively control everyone's fertility at the moment, but its an interesting idea nonetheless. If we could control everyone's ability to have babies, should we? Or do people have natural rights to children? Also, what do you think such a licence would require?

Some people may argue that people have natural rights to the manipulation of their bodies as long as they don't harm others. At face value, this would include having sex and giving birth. But if you dig deeper, giving birth can have potentially devastating affects on others. For example, if an uneducated crackhead, gang member, etc has a child, the child will likely be similar to the parent [citation needed], causing more harm than benefit to the overall society. In a way, this does affect other people.

In theory, if there was a licence that was a good predictor of "good" potential parents and could be effectively enforced, should it be implemented in society? And where should the line be placed? Most would agree that people with destructive behavior should not have children (considering there's already services out there for that very purpose). But how far should it go? To criminals? The uneducated? People with mental disabilities? People with low intelligence?