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First off, good job on the video. You got good screen presence. The material was pretty funny for what it was, but then again, I think that charming British accent can make anything seem comical. I haven't heard the song myself, but your musings on the lyrics were entertaining enough.

As for Swift, I probably dislike her less than most on this board, but I'm not a fan either.

She's good looking, talented and...young, I guess. I am not one of those people that likes to follow celebrity gossip, but I hear the stuff from my girlfriend all the time (this is not an excuse like "my little sister watches Barney so I've seen it a few times"... I gotta please the wifey by listening to this tripe sometimes). That or I'll glaze over a headline while looking through articles on Yahoo. From what I've heard/seen she's a bit too much drama. An artist starts wearing out her welcome when her personal life becomes a bigger spectacle than her art.

She's got catchy, corny songs on the radio all the time so I can't say she's washed up, but I think the world is getting Taylor Swift fatigue what with all her venomous digs publicly aimed at her ex's. Maybe she should take a break before she goes the way of (pre-comeback) Britney Spears or (current) Lindsay Lohan.