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Personally I don't think a 50-60$ cut is going to help. I honestly feel come E3 they will announce a new version wi multiple colors and instead of only 32 gb flash it will have a 12gb for OS and save files and either 64, 128, or allow us to some how use our own memory cards to store and play games off of. That being said I feel they will make this sku the only version moving forward along with a 100$ price cut. I hate Sony but lets be honest even with Mario kart u and a new 3d Mario game if PS3 launches at 400$ then a 300$ wii u will be killed. I think Nintendo is being quiet about pricing till after Microsoft and Sony announce the systems. Either way a cut wil
Happen 50$ if other systems are expensive 100$ if they are close to 399$ mark. That being said games are also needed, but again we already know of a few this month and in the next 2 months plus I'm sure there will be 4-5 games(good) come November December time frame, but a price drop will not happen till after either march 31st the 4th quarter or after e3 which is only a few months away anyways, but they need to do something to increase install base over next gen platforms. A 4 million system lead won't cut it; however, I feel if they can garner a good 8-10 million lead they will be in a good position. It's no easy task they have before them but I'm sure they will do decent.