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Soundwave said:

Nintendo's leadership is the problem. Iwata is a likeable guy, but among him and his board of directors (which are 8-10 others who are all 50-60 something year old Japanese men) ... there's something rotten inside of Nintendo.

You don't destroy all brand momentum from something as popular as Wii just 4 years ago, completely bumble the 3DS launch, then do the same for the Wii U launch almost 2 years later and send your stock price into the gutter unless something is very, very wrong.

Nintendo is simply not adapting to a changing market and they are paying the price for having limited vision. This also a company that has no idea how to market anything any more either. 

Case in point ... why wasn't a big AAA type of game in the scope of a Zelda/Metroid Prime/Halo/Half-Life not greenlight as soon as the Wii U/Project: Cafe kits were being sent out 2 years ago? Nintendo had ample time and had a ton of money in the bank, yet they chose to greenlight this lineup instead and ignore the need for a big-budget showpiece title for the system. They are stubborn and out of touch, and also arrogant in thinking that they could continue to keep shoveling Mario + the mini-game formula to gamers over and over again without people losing interest.

But then again... that same leadership steered the ship after GameCube and created the Wii, their most successful home console ever.  That same leadership also created the DS, the most popular game system ever.  Ever.  That same leadership led to Nintendo banking $10 billion in cash.  They may have had their issues since mid-2011, but you have to give them credit for the years between 2004 and 2011 for being Nintendo's most successful, bountiful period ever.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.