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xenophon13 said:
Last years was amazing weezy...I know their other sports games have all sucked but they got it right with MLB the Show and yeah i have never heard of MLB Power Proes

It's the first game of the series to come from America. It's part of a Japanese series that's been so good it's been around since the Super Nintendo.

Only real downsides are the graphics and the fact it only came out on PS2 and Wii.  The graphics will turn a lot of people off because they don't look like real people.

It does a lot including adding "skills" and RPG like things that better flesh out characters then just the basic "clutch" skill does.

Skills that do things like give some players who are impatient a bonus to hit the first pitch, skills that let pitchers pitch better in later innings, skills that make pitchers better when runners are on base instead of worse (perfect for those closers who consistantly get the job done but make you worry before they do it.)

It really lets each player play more like they really do... the skill system is something i'd love to see in other sports games.

It's also got way more stats than you can shake a stick at after each game, so you can see where each pitch was thrown, what pitchs were thorwn (and where) tendencies... all sorts of stuff.