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Conegamer said:
sethnintendo said:

So I just noticed they have the monster books for sale at the merchant. So I guess we don't have to try and identify each species like on Wii? I kind of enjoyed pointing at monsters first time and getting their info (although sometimes could be a semi pain in ass). I was thinking perhaps we would hold the gamepad up to the screen to capture their stats/info. I suppose since they have offscreen gamepad play they didn't include it. I haven't noticed the option for offscreen play yet but haven't dug too deep into options.

I did find the put sound to controller last night which was pretty awesome considering I didn't want to make noise and wake my roommate up. That head phone jack on the controller is actually pretty damn useful in some situations. I don't have any head phones with long enough cord to plug into my TV.

It doesn't have off-TV play though, right? As you say, but I think there's one coming in an update shortly.

Yea, I thought there was a thread stating that.  I suppose it might come in an update.