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Nintendo failing to communicate they're doing something (beyond that Nintendo Direct) does not equal Nintendo not doing anything.

This article is alarmist and misses the point. The conversation we should be having, and the conversation I hope is happening inside Nintendo HQ right now, is: How do we better communicate our plans for Wii U to people? How do we assure our existing buyers they haven't wasted money, and give confidence to potential buyers?

More frequent Iwata Asks, developer diaries, and Nintendo Directs would help. A fuller Virtual Console schedule--introducing GameCube and DreamCast to the realm of VC--would help, acting as filler content for those already invested in the system. And for the love of all that is sacred, Nintendo, bite the bullet and announce release dates for Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wii Fit U and Game & Wario. I admire Nintendo's philosophy of "it's done when it's done", but it's really hurting Wii U. Quarter 2 is weeks away and no major Wii U title is dated. The one two punch of Lego City and Monster Hunter is a good start, but it means nothing if it isn't followed up with more titles, titles already delayed once. Delays at this point are unacceptable. Plenty of other major publishers get quality titles out on time, and Nintendo need to begin to make sure they are capable of doing the same.

Wii U is by no means beyond the point of recovery, but sales post Christmas have been absolutely dire. Nintendo don't just need to have a plan, that plan needs to be seen and heard.