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One thing that gets me about the negative opinions concerning the Wii U is there may be less that we know about the Wii U than we don't know yet people are so sure at what it lacks. The initial post in this thread many use that to confirm that the Wii U can't do any more than 720p and 30fps. If, you look closer you will pay attention to words like probably and likely. The Wii U seems to take a while to get the most out of it even for Nintendo. A lot of folks still think think the Wii U has a power 7 processor which is not true. At a minimum over 10x the cache and a higher clock speed is a big improvement over the Wii. Still a lot is unknown without the CPU benchmarked. The GPU much is unknown about too, but specs known most closely resembles a 5550. How can anyone else be sure what the Wii U is capable of til Nintendo themselves does?

I think few understand what Nintendo was truly aiming up with the Wii U. In one word balance. They wanted the most powerful system they could that doesn't cost a mortgage payment, while being very energy efficient that was backward compatible. It seems to be a system based on teamwork. Everything inside working together. Like fighting the 5 mechanical lions and fighting Voltron is two different things so is the parts of the Wii U separately versus together. It looks to be a system where the load is shared. The fact that developers get games up and running and rather quickly should tell us something. The major grunt work doesn't seem to be the problem. It seems to be a fine tuning issue. Getting the frame rates stable and knowing how to get it to do what you want seems to be the main issue for making games for it. The Wii U has more of a perception problem. Since the perception is perceived as reality it really has become a problem for the Wii U.