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Augen said:
*peeks in*

I am interested in the 3DS version. I downloaded the demo on the eSHop and...I think I am doing it wrong. I ran around, killed some monsters and found the big guy was supposed to get for the mission. So I begin fighting. I wail away on this monster a good 15 minutes. I have no bar to show if I am actually hurting him. I gave up eventually (about 25-30 minutes) because had no idea how to kill it. Is there a trick I am missing? Always thought this series looked fun, but wanted to better understand it before buying an entry.

If there's a beginner's or novice guide be appreciated.

Welcome to Monster Hunter.  The only thing you might be missing is damage modifiers: certain parts of the monster are more vulnerable than others, and are sensitive to different types of weapon damage (in the demo there are fire weapons and water weapons, etc. — not all are created equal).  Also, if you're using a melee weapon then it gets dull with use and eventually does less damage than normal (don't worry, it resets after every mission and later in the game you get access to ultra-sharp weapons which do bonus damage).  But basically yeah, your first time fighting a large monster will usually take longer than 30 minutes and often you'll miss the 50 minute time limit.  Then you learn how to stay on your feet more often or find a new opening in his attack patterns, and you claw your way to victory so you can get better equipment, and countless hours later you can do the same guy in 10-15 minutes.  Welcome to Monster Hunter.

It's worth noting the demo is essentially the same as the Japanese one released in December 2011, which was probably targeted at more experienced hunters.  I remember having trouble clearing the Jade Barroth in the MHF3 demo in time.

Anyway, just picked up the 3DS version a few hours ago (last copy I think!).  Took a few errands but finally I have quests available.  Soon Great Jaggi will taste my stock Iron Katana :-/.