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I wasn't intending on posting in this thread again, but the argument some of you people use are just horrible.

If PS2 would of died off by 2007: Yes
Now since PS2 are still in circlulation: No

So the Wii is going the beat the PS2's LTD numbers for 2007, but the PS2's sales in 2008 and beyond are going to leave it ahead? The old war horse is going to sell 10M more units tops, and even that's probably too high. That's a pretty closely defined prediction you're making here.

No. Will not attract enough of core gaming audience. Even with the wii new market it wont be abel to do it without the Madden and Halo3 type buyers.

In case you haven't noticed, hardcore gamers love the Wii. The only people complaining are die-hard supporters of the rival companies, as a quick look at the internet will show you.

Even if what you say were true, hardcore gamers don't matter much in the end. It was the casuals who made the PS2 into the success that it is, and they've already made their choice for this gen.

And now that I'm at it, Halo 3 and Madden buyers aren't casual? The people who bought 80% of the copies of those games are the most casual gamers on the planet. There is no single definition for casual and hardcore, but you should seriously check what most people mean by them before using them as the basis of your arguments.