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I waited inside.

I called all game selling stores in my area for 3 straight days until I got one manager at a Gamestop that said a delivery of Wii's would be in between noon and 4pm. Because I had to work I couldn't just stay there all day.

I called at noon and he said they had not arrived and no one was waiting.

I called again at 2pm and got same answer.

I called again at 3pm and got same answer.

Now, I decided I could leave work and just wait to ensure I got one. As he did say that when they come in they are gone instantly.

I get there at about 3:30pm, still no Wii's and no one waiting. By the time they got there a little late at 4:30pm 6 other people had came into the store to wait. The first 3 got them. This all happened back in February of 2007 when supply was >1m and stores were only getting a handful a week.

I had a great evening.