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The Wii U version of Project Cars, the hotly anticipated sim racer come graphical showcase, will 'likely' run at 720p, 30fps on Nintendo’s newest machine.

There had been speculation surrounding the title and whether it would push out Full HD graphics on Nintendo’s console.

Now Slightly Mad Studios Creative Director Andy Tudor has gone told NowGamer the title will probably run in 720p but will ‘look and feel amazing’.

He said: “We always prefer to aim for 30fps generally in order to keep gameplay-specific features like having more cars on track or better weather effects etc.

“So that’s standard across all consoles, and we’re more likely to utilize the native 720p support of the Wii U for launch especially since our physics and rendering systems demand a lot of processing power in order to deliver a truly next-gen experience. 

“All you need to know is that when you get the game, it’ll look and feel amazing and you’ll want to show it off to your friends.”

To read the full interview with Tudor including how the studio plans to use the Gamepad and the ‘sandbox’ style of the game as well as the number of tracks, dynamic weather and AI, keep checking back to NowGamer as we’ll be putting it up soon.