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naznatips said:
TomaTito said:

Read the thread about Okami Wii over at Capcom's offical forum:

It's very interesting how the things develop as the days pass on.


I think the port will be done well at the end, not so worried about it. I hope the PAL release is close to the US one, so I can play something while waiting for SSBB, but from that thread it looks like it will be a few months apart.

Anyways, back to Zackuuuu

That was pretty interesting.  People literally were hunting for things to complain about, to the point that the complainer at the end was inventing visual effects that aren't real in order to find ways to attack the Wii version haha.  It's also amazing how tolerant Capcom is of these people, that they actually do give them info when they complain like this.  Still, that was a giant topic of people acting like children in an attempt to prove the PS2 version was still the "definitive."  

I have the PS2 version, but I'm hardly going to deny that improvements have been made for this version.   

Well said, I can't honestly think of any game this generation that has had so much FUDD put behind it. I'm surprised no one has suggested that the Wii version would have less textures/worse graphics due to some sort of fabricated incompatibility between the PS2 and Wii's architecture, lol. Though the whole "Clover took the technology for Rice Paper texturing with them to the Grave" was golden gesture in that same vein.

Anyone else puzzled by Onna's history of behavior on this forum? First she appeared as Wiigirl, an avid Nintendo fangirl, then became Onna after she jumped on the Sony bandwagon as well and ever since has seemed somewhat sour with the mentality of the forums.