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d21lewis said:

So, we were TV Tagging the Walking Dead last night and having a great time talking about the show as it happened (Complete with polls, screenshots, quotes, etc.) and the jokes were flying fast and furious.  There was a part of the episode where Andrea was hiding from a guy trying to cause her harm.  In the past, Andrea had survived being left behind during a zombie attack, stood head to head with major bad guys, run through the wilderness on her own, etc.  She's badass.  At the same time, this season, she's been naive to the point where she pisses me off.  This season, it's become the cool thing to hate Andrea.

Anyway, like I said, Andrea was being stalked.  She was hinding.  I made the comment:

"Andrea, you're no damsel in distress!  You're a butt-kicker! An annoying butt-kicker!"

BAM.  Modded for bullying.  My post was blocked and I was given a warning.  Considering I was banned for two weeks back in January and told that any more violations would possibly result in permanent banning, I was terrified.  Watching The Walking Dead with other Miiverse users has become the highlight of my Sunday nights (won't make it this week because I have to work).  The thing Nintendo failed to notice was that I wasn't being a bully because....ANDREA IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!

I raised heck in a later post and some people agreed with me, even mentioning their unfair violations.  I sent a message to Nintendo, too.  Unable to explain (you can only choose from pre-selected messages), I chose "I did not violate the rules" or something like that.  About an hour later, my post was back and I deleted my retalliation post.  I kinda wish I'd left it there.

This is crazy, the morons probably could not see that you were watching a tv show, also, even if you said that about a user, so what? I have don no wrong.