walsufnir said:
bananaking21 said:
walsufnir said:
bananaking21 said: i hope this is true, i just found out that halo CE was actually on PC. im going to get it. was halo 2 released on pc btw? |
holy fuck this is awesome! i always wanted to play halo but one game was never worth getting an xbox for me. i hope halo 3 is released on PC as well
Well, my guess is that with the next-generation and stuff like Gaikai, OnLive and given the fact that both nextgen-consoles are PCs I think that in a few years you can play what you want, no matter which console you got ;) For example, I am looking forward to play Uncharted on a non-Sony-platform ;)
well my internet connection SUCKS. i have limited download space (just 20 GB a month) so i wont be using gaikai anytime soon. its also the reason im not a PS+ member. but we will have to wait and see how exclusives and game streaming becomes in the future.