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Ahh Kwaad - good to see you back. Far too much Wii love around at the moment ;)

The point about the Wii, is that is it *still* gaining market share. 44% and rising.

This while it is supply constrained - yet the PS3/360 are not.


Ultimately, the story for this generation will be that the 360/PS3 split the HD sales down the middle - leaving an easy victory for the Wii. And before the PS3 has any chance of domination through longevity - the Wii II (Wii HD) will be out.

From Nintendo's point of view - if you keep *easily* selling everything you make from a hardware perspective (and make stuff as fast as you can) - you are definitely successful.

Then it all comes down to software sales - and Ninty is easily the #1 publisher at the moment.

Gesta Non Verba

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