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@Kwaad's last post:

Uhm so because lots of people will buy the Wii it shouldn't count or something?

Sorry that logic sounds a lot more like a way to cope than sound reasoning.

The Wii is a console, it is selling significantly better than its fellow consoles. At some point you will simply have to face that fact head on rather than discounting it because of this or that as you've just done.


As for what the definition of domination is? I can think of no better definition than 50% market share. By that definition you couldn't say that the Wii is dominating the LTD sales but you could definitely say that since its launch it has dominated weekly sales and from that you can make a realistic prediction that it will eventually meet the criteria to be considered dominating LTD sales as well.

I like this definition because a console could be considered to be Dominating the WW market while not dominating a specific region. This sort of differentiation seems to me to fit the reality of the situation the best and allows room for both recognition of a consoles sales achievements without unduly giving credit in other areas. A great example would be the NA sales of this generation. It is likely that once the Wii qualifies for WW dominance it still would not be considered dominating in NA and given the strong performance of the 360 and the moderate performance of the PS3 I think that credit would be undeserved until it actually crosses 50% market share in NA.

-My 0.02 VG$....

To Each Man, Responsibility