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so, there is this general notion that many gamers read reviews.... just to say that reviews are stupid. Now is your chance to prove reviews don't mean anything to you.

step 1) go to
step 2) find games that you like (or love) that have at least 5 reviews and average under 70%
(easy to do.... click 'the rankings,' select platform or game, select min votes 5)
step 3) post game/average here

.... or, if three steps is asking too much, just list games you like but are pretty sure most critics don't.

cannon spike (dc): 69%
dynamite cop (dc): 58%
mr mosquito (ps2): 68%
gauntlet dark legacy (ps2): 71%.... cheating a little on that one

as for games I liked when I was younger but haven't played in ages:

tonic trouble (n64): 53%
clayfighter 63 1/3 (n64): 48%
yoshi's story: 63%.... I never thought it was as good as island, but damn
nightmare creatures: 65%
south park: 67%
hybrid heaven: 68%
buck bumble: 70%

haha, I wonder what I would think of these games now. They didn't seem quite so bad a decade ago, maybe they weren't, who knows.

anyway, any similar stories?