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SO I've been listening to Castlevania music for years both arranged and OST and love it but only played my first Castlevania title recently when I bought Super Castlevania IV via Wii VC. It's music is really good but the gameplay gets very frustrating and there's no built in battery save!

Now I'm considering buying a newer Castlevania: whether it's one of the PS2, GBA, DS titles or maybe Symphony of the Night. If SotN is still the best (as many say) I'll go for that. I know it has awesome music but is it still the best in the series now that so many more Castlevania titles have been released since? The music is what makes or breaks a game for me, if it doesn't have a good soundtrack it's not worth it to me.  But gameplay is important too; I hope the gameplay still isn't as frustrating as the earlier titles.

So what do you recommend for a castlevania newbie? Something not too difficult but user friendly right now I'm leaning towards searching for a new Symphony of the Night copy...Should I go with that or one of the newer titles...?

"The next time someone tells you Compact Discs are the wave of the future, tell them the future doesn't belong to snails!" - Nintendo Power, April 1994