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pezus said:
Deyon said:
NintendoPie said:

I expected people to act like this. I'm not surprised, really. 

It's really pretty good weekly sales. That's something to celebrate over. But to celebrate over 1'000 more than the competition? That is somewhat odd.

So in a basketball game, if a team wins by 1 point they shouldn't celebrate or consider it a win, because they won by 1 point?

Good analogy. The weekly charts are just that, one game at a time. And when Liverpool beat Manchester United they will celebrate a lot because it happens once in a blue moon (Liverpool = Vita, MU = 3DS)

Bad analogy. I'm pretty sure Vita will outsell 3DS again in the future, and more than one time. I'd expect something like the PSP-DS in the coming years.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile