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After taking a look at the very low Wii U sales numbers of Batman,AC ,ME3 or COD=NO.
Four AAA games combined cannot sell half as many units on Wii U as a single shovelware Nintendoland or an recycled old New Mario.
Considering that those games are still selling bad though there is almost no software support for the Wii U=NONO

As many Nintendo games afford skill to be finished(easy to learn,hard to master)there should be lot of coregamers(25-30%),but it seems only 5-10% are interessted in buying games that are not produced or exclusived by Nintendo.
The rest only seem to care about Non-Nintendogames when they are delayed or EA games that are not released on Wii U.
Than even such an ingnored IP like rayman that sold on vita more than on 3ds and on jump'n'run console Wii less than on ps360,becomes a martyr and a must have game.
Corefanboys 20%,core gamers 5%.

Nintendo Game Lego City will prove:i'm right.
Low preorders,average rating until now,pretty much unknown and not really interessting-but even this game will sell 2x more units than AC,BM,COD and ME3 combined(until the end of the year)