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It is ridiculous that MS has to take these steps in the first place.

MS was fined out wazoo and forced to change many years ago by US and EU regulators. They have changed and its clearly not a monopolistic giant any more.

Windows is no different than Android, iOS, Mac, Linux etc at this point. You can easily switch defaults and add any software you want at any level.

However, MS is the only one being punished for having default software that they build. That is BS and should no longer continue. They paid the price and rectified the issue. They should not have to provide endless options to sell their competitors products.

Apple and Google do not have to do this and they are just as powerful in other markets as well. If someone is too ignorant to understand how to switch to a browser, media player, etc that they prefer... then they need to get to fuck off the internet to begin with. Anyone who cares, can easily switch to anything. Hell, most users would be confused by the questions as they simply don't understand any of the differences.