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Youtube hits is a pretty irrelivent stat to use to judge how well a product will actually do, especially when you consider that you can BUY hits on youtube..

Anyway, I just don't see the PS4 as a console targetted at the mass market, at least not until a few years when the price goes down (similar to what happened to the PS3 around 2009). Sure the hardcore will eat it up, but they are actually a pretty small piece of the overall market. I think a lot of people will view the graphics  of current consoles as "good enough," and as far as the games, I've seen nothing revolutionary, just the same type of games you'd see on the PS3 with prettier graphics. The whole streaming and social media push Sony seems to be using will add some interest but I don't see that alone as a selling point. The biggest question is not the graphics, or even the price, but the games. What are the major titles that are going to push boatloads of PS4s? There will undoubtably be some, but you have to remember that most will also be found on MS's next console, which will probably be cheaper, and has sort of taken Sony's place as the definitive third party machine.