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Tom3k said:
huiii said:

So turn based rpgs don't sell on playstation? I never knew... 

I don't like either Pokemon or Animal Crossing, and the reason why I bought Vita is because games like that aren't on it. Could PSV benefit from "cheap" clones of those games? I don't know... Would you buy a new system to play a clone of popular franchise on it?

I'm extremely happy with Vita, it's my favorite console ever. But I do still think that Vita needs to find it's own identity. 

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Sony should clone AC or Pokemon. If i wanted to play them i'd get a 3ds, and me not even knowing what AC is about shows how much interest i have in them. 

I'm just arguing that they wouldn't necessarily "flop hard" on a Sony system. And i don't see much difference betwen a breath of fire, FF or a pokemon. At the core all of them are a turn based rpg and i don't get why Sony wouldn't be able to create a compelling jrpg with mass apeal... It would certainly help their standing in japan.