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@ Starcraft

Oblivion came out far later than the 360 version and had extra, targeted development.

The 360 version had targeted development as well. But you are correct building up a game like Oblivion from scratch would have been impossible to achieve in such a short time, although the end result could have been much better.

The rest of your post has been covered in other threads.

Then why bring this up, I was just replying.

Several people have pointed out that Sony clearly uses a few cases where compression was clearly limited to artificially bump up the number of gb needed for PR purposes.


Uncharted is well optimised in such a way that there are no install times, while in-game loading and decompression is invisible to the end user.

For example, they claimed that the very mediocre Motorstorm 'required' 22gb.

Motorstorm's files are compressed at a 2:1 ratio and IMO today still looks awesome. However this game does not perform streaming other than for audio, thus lenghty loading times, the huge tracks are loaded into memory in one go.

As I think Shams pointed out, most competent developers naturally compress everything as they go, in order to save on server space and other expenses.

The Cell is a monster at decompression (also compared to the Xenon) that's why most PS3 exclusives are heavily compressed other than for audio, the Cell can decompress data faster than it can be read from Blu-Ray disc, thus this makes perfect sense.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales