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Oblivion came out far later than the 360 version and had extra, targeted development. The rest of your post has been covered in other threads. Several people have pointed out that Sony clearly uses a few cases where compression was clearly limited to artificially bump up the number of gb needed for PR purposes. For example, they claimed that the very mediocre Motorstorm 'required' 22gb.

As I think Shams pointed out, most competent developers naturally compress everything as they go, in order to save on server space and other expenses. Lionhead recently stated in I think their fourth developer diary that modern compression is so good that data can be compressed to one hundredth of its original size without a noticeable performance loss. And before you say that there is no such thing as loss-less compression from a technical standpoint, remember that we are discussing sales, and that your trying to falsely convince people the average casual gamer will see a HUGE difference between these two consoles capabilities.

I don't know why I keep arguing with you every time. You clearly have little perception of reality if your claiming the PS3 can match readily available high-end PC's for performance.

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