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Somini said:
slowmo said:
thismeintiel said:
slowmo said:
Not so viral after all then?

It would be funny if the NeXbox reveal vid only got 10M views in the end.  Or if it got 20M views, but mostly downvotes or complaints in the comments.  Would you be downplaying it then?

Well I wouldn't be getting over exciting willy waving over the views to start with so no.  You guys made a ridiculous statement that this video was viral, which it isn't.  Don't see why you cant admit you were incorrect and move on.  I fully expect the Nextbox will get a lot of views from Sony fanboys desperately looking to downplay it in the comments.

Why does this guy get a free pass in calling people fanboys?

By the way it's at 26.7 million at the moment. Those are COD numbers :), i guess people are ready to move on from this generation. It lasted too long haha

Firstly, I was called a fanboy directly twice earlier in the week and the mods did nothing, it seems some people are getting free passes to do what they like in some cases.

Secondly, I actually called nobody here a fanboy if you read carefully.  I stated that people who go and comment on videos downplaying the content may be Sony fanboys.  I think that's a fair assessment and you'll probably find plenty of Microsoft fanboys doing the same on the video in question too tbh.

@Pezus - A viral video should expand on the boundaries of it's target audience, this video didn't do that so no it wasn't viral imo