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I honestly don't understand what part is so hard to comprehend. This thread is about someone directing people to a good deal he found for Xbox Live Gold. He has clearly stated that this thread is exclusively about the deal in question and not about whether Xbox Live is worth it or not. It's not that the worth of Live is a taboo topic but rather it is a topic for a DIFFERENT thread. Many such threads exist around the forum already. So if you want to talk about that then go do that in those threads.

I myself have in several cases argued against XBL in other threads and how I intend to leave it after this gen, but I am not coming here to discuss that because it would be strictly going against what the OP intended and derailing the discussion in a different direction. So rather because I thought the deal was good and I want 12 more months before next gen comes out, I talked about that for a bit. If I didn't find the deal good or didn't care I wouldn't have posted.

It's as simple as that. It's not about your opinion getting silenced, but it's just that this is not the place to voice that opinion, as there already exists other places to voice them. You wouldn't post a Nintendo topic in the Sony forum now would you?