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curl-6 said:

Maro Kart Wii has over 30 million sales. Even if only a quarter ever upgrade, and that's 8 million. People are upgrading from Mario Kart DS to Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS.

Zelda on the Wii sold well. I don't need links to prove that millions want to play Nintendo games, just look at the sales numbers. And the Wii won't be able to play the new Zelda, the new 3D Mario, the new Metroid, the new Smash Bros. They'll have to buy a Wii U for that, and millions will. Plus games like that make a Dreamcast situation pretty much not a possibility. Dreamcast didn't have an IPs that powerful.

Products with no predecessor fall into the generation of their contemporaries. If graphics defined gens, then you couldn't classify the PSP and DS as the same generation, yet they are. The graphics definition died years ago, it no longer fits with how the indusry works.


The issue is though you're talking not just about upgrading the game, but buying an entire console for literally a few games as the multiplats are readily available on other consoles. It just seems to be a very expense upgrade for few games, something which plagued the original xbox and GC.


MDMAlliance said:

I'll make a bet with you.  If the Wii U doesn't sell 20m+ by the end of its 3rd year, I will delete my account.  I promise you the Wii U will sell 20m+.
If I win, why don't you make my statement your sig for an entire year?

Deal, though I'm not going to hold you over deleting your account - you can just put it as your sig for a while =p