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archbrix said:
Mazty said:

The GameCube however lacked not just multimedia functions....but games as well. 
Does the Wii U do bluray films? No. 3rd party support? No. 8th gen games (Shadow Fall, Drive Club etc)? No. So what reason exactly does your average gamer who already owns an 360 or PS3 have to buy a Wii U? Well looking at the sales, the answer is clear: they simply don't. 

I will bet you that the Wii U will not easily double the GC install base. The fact that Nintendo slashed the predicted sales by 20% tells me that Nintendo haven't thought this through and their customers are at least 20% less than what they expected. That kind of corporate misfire tends to mean the item in question will have a rocky time. 


See above & I highlight the 20% cock-up by Nintendo on their estimated sales. Btw any chance if you know that they are working on sales or shipped? because if it is sales, then they will miss that reduced figure by a large percent, but as they said they'd already "sold" 3 million units, I have a feeling they are talking about shipped rather than sold units. 


The WiiU will have 8th gen games:  The next Zelda, 3D Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart, Smash, etc.  While I realize that some base next-gen advancements solely on tech, WiiU's games will still be selling against games like Shadow Fall and Drive Club, making them a part of the 8th gen as far as the consumer market is concerned.  I'm already quite sure it won't have 3rd party parity with the new consoles, but the jury's still out on whether or not it will be stronger than the Wii in that area.  The ability to play blu-ray is a non-issue, IMO.

Regarding WiiU's sales, I'm the first to admit that Nintendo, clearly not learning from the mistakes they made with the 3DS post-launch, deserve the low sales.  The value that the 360/PS3 offer right now is impossible for WiiU to compare to, considering it's the most expensive system on the market with the least amount of games.  However, the console has only been out for three and a half months; the games and price issues are really nothing to base the console's future on at this point in time.  Nintendo still has time to right the ship (as they did with the 3DS), even if they have somewhat squandered their lead.

Finally, yes, their estimates are based on "shipped".

I think you summed it up by saying the Wii U "will" have 8th gen games. Releasing a console that should be next-gen without showing any next-gen games on it imo is a huge, huge mistake and honestly has fallen into the trap of being pushed aside for PS4/nextbox hype. 
Bluray for some folk may be a non-issue but I'm currently upgrading my DVDs to bluray and it'd be a major inconvienence not to have bluray on a console, which may be exacerbated by the nextbox if that gets bluray increasing the amount of bluray players in living rooms. 

Thanks for the clarification on shipped. Is there anyway of tracking this or just a waiting game until official numbers are released?