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I came back to a few PS1 and PS2 games a while back. While the nostalgia factor is GRAND, I've got sore thumbs right now from wrestling with some of the older controls.
I'm playing Bugs Bunny Lost in time on the PS3 right now and GOD is it killing my fingers. I've booted up Crash Bandicoot Twinsanity on the PS2 and most of the first levels I've only gone around and died because nothing works as I've gotten used to. Sure, it's fun to revisit days of future past, but in the end it's not something particularly important for me.

I agree with the posts that say you should just keep the older consoles boxed and pull them out once there's something you really wish to replay. That way you save up space and you get a healthy dose of nostalgia bliss while you're pulling the machine out, dusting it off and set it up somewhere on the floor, a remote island of "What was" among your newer tech.
My opinion on the matter.