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Nice price. Not a bad move locking people in right now. Great service for dirt cheap. The weekly co-op missions for Halo alone are worth the price of admission. I stumble on stuff like Geoff Keighley's 'The Final Hours' promoting TR that I can't find on the webz or else it looks and sounds crap. The semi-pros and 9 year olds don't dominate the games I play online.

I pay $50 a month for a phone and get calls from some robot telling me I won part of a cruise. Internet is twice what it is in The States and 10 times the cost of XBL. Now Cable TV is what's really overpriced. 16 mins of ads per hour plus at least $60 for reruns and 'Botox Queens of Silicon City', 'Hillbilly Toadlickers' and 'Stuff Idiots Left in Lockers'? Thanks anyway.