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VGKing said:
Carl2291 said:
VGKing said:

Look at Vita sales last week, now look at Vita sales this week. That's a big increase that needs to be celebrated. Vita has been called dead for months now and at least in one region, it is selling in reasonable amounts. Yes it is selling lower than the 3DS, but that is expected. No one is/was expecting Vita to ousell the 3DS IN ANY REGION.

Are you implying that this Vita price cut was supposed to increase sales past 100k or something? Was there some huge AAA game releasing last week as well? That answer to both of these is NO. I'm sure sales for this week are within Sony's expectations expetations. I know they blew away mine.

Whats your point? Sales jumped from 28k WW to 82k WW after a significant pricecut in the handheld region. It also had a new game release that sold 120k.

It isnt selling reasonable amounts. It sold alright, in the week of a pricecut. Theres a long way to go yet. If sales stay high for ~8 Weeks and onwards... THEN it will be something to "celebrate". Sales increasing to 60k in Japan for one week is a drop in the ocean. Yeah, ~80k in JP would have been good. 60k is the minimum Id take it. Hoping for anything less than that would be beyond bad. If 60k "blew away" your expectations, then its quite obvious that you set them low to avoid disappointment.

Now tell me what damage control was there.

Ok, first of all there isn't any game that sold 120k. There is a game that sold 90k though, it is some niche pervy type of game. System seller? AAA? NOPE.
The other notable release that week was Phantasy Star Online 2....a game that is available to download for free. The game sold 61k. This is probably the highest profile release for the Vita in months, but it's no Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy. I dont' know how high your expectations were for Vita, but mine were about 40k. 

So maybe you are the one who has these high expectations of a handheld that has been selling horribly for the past year. A price cut won't magically save the system. It needs a steady stream of games.(Which it is getting btw). Japan may be THE region for portable gaming, but it is being dominated by the 3DS. Again, if you were expecting Vita to outsell the 3DS(which just had Dragon Quest VII released a few weeks ago) you have your expectations way too high. Price may have been a barrier for Vita, but it still needs high profile games.  

Yes my expectations were low, but they're also realistic. Maybe that is because I've been disappointed every single week for the past year. The 3DS has Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Dragon Quest, Mario...etc. There is no way Vita can compete with that with a simple price cut. It will take a long time before the Vita's install base and game library is big enough for it to meet expectations from people like you. It will take years though, it wont' happen overnight. So yes, the fact that Vita got so close to 3DS sales this week is impressive in my eyes.

i just read the beginning of your post and i would just like to point out that it did infact sell 120K, 90K were retail and the rest were digital.