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Soriku said:
solracbrit said:
Koji Kondo, I still want to get the SMG music disc....

I thought SMG's music sucked X_X Koji Kondo's best work is on PM: TTYD and TLoZ: TWW IMO. Those had AMAZING soundtracks.



And for the record, Kondo only wrote two (2) new songs for SMG (Good Egg Galaxy and Roselina's Comet Observatory), the rest were composed Mahito Yokota. And SMG had an amazing soundtrack.

Also, Kondo had very little to do with Wind Waker. The only new piece that we know for sure that he wrote for the score was "The Great Sea". Overall, I thought Wind Waker was one of the weaker scores in the series.

Oh, and Paper Mario: TTYD!?  That was Yoshito Hirano and Yuka Tsujiyoka (of Fire Emblem fame!).  They just arranged all of Kondo's classic Mario tunes.