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No, they are certainly not. The real question is: Why's there so much hate between Android and iOS users? Or Apple and Samsung users? I don't get it. How can you NOT see that the other OS is great in its own regard? How can someone seriously try to tell me that my iPhone is "shit" or my Macbook Pro is "bad"? Both are some of the very best products in their category. Same goes for Samsung's phones - I'd never ever bash anyone for buying an GS3. It's such a great phone! But apparently anything you don't own MUST be bad and we totally have to fight this completely stupid and imaginary war out on the internet.
"My phone has a 5% faster CPU!"
"My phone is 15% thinner than yours!"
"My OS can do multitasking 10% better!"
"My row of icons looks so much cooler than yours!"

It's so stupid.

One day, on my deathbed, my last words will be: "I'm just glad I never bought an Android." At which the doctor will strangle me with his stethoscope because, obviously, Android is way better.