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nen-suer said:
Stefl1504 said:

The lesson being? Wait until you get investigated and then claim miller so you die? Holding back on the info until someone gets investigated that is scum and claims miller to counter it?

I can tell you that it doesn't matter to me if I get lynched, as miller, I would act the same again. Better I do the claim early and don't risk a late game mess-up because of something.


The lesson being "It's not about you"

Your role is a useless role i know, but its your job to make the best use out of it (like trying to have the mafia target you).

You're too obsessed about surviving and that not the right attitude for a townie to have.

I mean you lose with the town so your priority is making sure the town wins not to surviving!

You're now probably off the scum night actions table and that means chances of major town roles getting killed just gone up a little bit.


Au contraire mon ami, 

i would say that Stefl did exactly the right thing. I am willing to belief Stefl's claim because (as i mentioned earlier) its a very brash move for him to make, in such a big game a town rolecop or another role that could reveal him is not out of the question. Secondly, I am willing to believe that Prof would deliberately give Stefl a booby role like Mason for this game. 

Now to relevant to your post - @bolded - he is now primary in the middle of scum night actions. For many players he would be confirmed town. Not a role worthy enough to guarentee doctor protection, but as confirmed town- scum has no reason to keep him around. Stefl is now off the scum list for many players, which makes the possibility of mislynch on him much lower. He is now a primary scum target.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War